Meg Twycross her Cabinet of Curiosities

The Sun in York: Illustrations


These images are larger and/or colour versions of some of the black-and-white images published as illustrations to my article on 'The Sun in York' in Medieval English Theatre 40 (2018) 155-202, or supplementary illustrations of experiments with light and reflection. They are all (except one) © Meg Twycross.
Click on a thumbnail for enlargements and discussion.

  York God in sunburst 
  York Minster S28 
  Compare Reflections 
  Nativity East Harling 

York Doomsday 1988: God in sunburst

Fig. 1: York Minster S28:
Te Deum laudamus

Fig. 2: compare reflections
in full sun and overcast sky

Fig. 4: Nativity
East Harling

  Experiment 2 
  Leuven Assumption 

Experiments with reflection:
Virgin and Child

Experiments with reflection:
Virgin and Child 2

Experiments with reflection:
The Transfiguration

Leuven Assumption